The newsletter is back from a mid-year break, but it’s been far from idle behind the scenes. You’ll see a spruced-up look and new subscription options, plus special offers for regular readers—scroll down for the details!

A new format for more choice, and sustainability.
This newsletter found a cause I couldn’t have predicted before its launch in early 2020. We’ve never been more aware of the interconnected nature of some of the world’s greatest challenges, starting with global health and running the gamut from development to sustainability, climate and environment, human rights, science, and more.
I simply can’t look at them in isolation or with indifference—and I know that you, as WorldWise readers, are a like-minded bunch.
With this in mind, I’m really excited to announce a new subscription format that comes into effect on Sunday, 18 July. It gives you more options on how deeply to dip into what this space offers, while enabling me to keep the newsletter thriving.
This is what it looks like.
View—light and free
A fortnightly edition featuring the essence of what you know and value about WorldWise:
Top-line curation of the most important global news updates
Insight on a trending issue from myself or a guest contributor
A note from my global soundtrack (because we can’t do without the music)
If this free overview gives you everything you require, there’s nothing you need to do—these posts will continue to come straight to your inbox.
WorldWise Pro—go deeper
For readers who want to go deeper into global news analysis and journalism, access a wealth of opportunities to develop communication projects, and connect with me or engage in conversation around these issues.
This could be you if you’re a journalist or filmmaker scouting story ideas and leads. It could be you if you’re a researcher looking for a rounded, real-world view of developments in your field—or perhaps you’re interested in getting a better handle on the media. It could be you if you’re an editor or practitioner after a succinct take on global issues.
You’ll get everything in the free View, PLUS:
The Briefing issue—Weekly independent curation and analysis that does the heavy lifting, helping you connect the dots on what’s in the news from multiple angles and geographies. This includes dozens of links with stories, commentary and visual storytelling from diverse media sources, beyond the mainstream and across the Global South. As regular readers know, the briefings will alert you to early signals and emerging trends before they’re widely reported.
The Media issue—Twice-monthly posts that contain a treasure trove of opportunities from around the world to develop your communication skills and journalism projects: leads to fund an idea, get an award, train in journalism or develop your work as a storyteller. Prefaced with a few words from myself or colleagues in the field—to keep us inspired, keep us going, keep us creating.
Q&A chats—Occasional opportunities to talk with me and others from the WorldWise readership about global issues and communication. Over time, I’ll share what I know about journalism, writing, career shifts, freelancing, and working in development/science. You can also put forward topics you’d like to see covered in this space.
Training access: Pro subscribers will always get preferential rates on my mentorship or training offerings. You’ll be the first to know when they become available, and when I have something to share about new initiatives.
Opt-in or out of sections: You’ll now find the three types of posts—the Briefing, View, and Media—in their own sections on the newsletter’s home at Substack. This gives you the option of which one(s) to sign up to. So if, for example, you’re not that interested in journalism opportunities, you can simply choose not to receive the Media posts.
Access to archives: All of the previous WorldWise posts, including the weekly briefings that chart how the pandemic has developed, will all remain available to new Pro subscribers through the archives.
Founding Pro-members: As a special thank you to current WorldWise readers, there’s a 20% discount on a yearly membership up for grabs in July—join today for just $56 on an annual subscription. It’s guaranteed to stay the same year after year.
Plus: the Association of British Science Writers (ABSW) is making a free spot available to a WorldWise reader interested in attending the ABSW Science Journalism Summer School, which is taking place on Thursday, 8 July—you’ll be joining about 200 science journalists for a day of virtual keynote sessions, interactive workshops, panel discussions and networking opportunities. It goes to the first subscriber who claims the offer by joining Pro and replying to this email!
If you live in a low-income country: You can become a Pro subscriber at 50% off the regular rate—just reply to this email and let me know where you’re based.
Want colleagues to benefit too?: If you work for an organisation that’s interested in a group subscription, hit reply and we’ll set this up. Because this is a professional network, you may be able to expense the cost.
If you’re able to give more: There’s a WorldWise Supporter option available—at $210 for a year, you’ll have all of the regular Pro benefits, plus you’ll be donating an annual subscription to one reader from the Global South who otherwise can’t afford it, plus get the option of a 30-minute consultation with me where we can talk through anything to help your work, whether it’s the ins-and-outs of journalism or a topic we cover with the newsletter.
Remember: subscription is flexible. You can cancel at any time, no questions asked.
If you can’t do a paid membership right now, no pressure—I’m glad to have you as a reader. And there are other ways to support me if you like the newsletter. Forward it to your friends and post about it on social media—that goes a long way. Follow WorldWise on Twitter. Tap to like a post or leave a comment if something I’ve written resonates.
Thanks for your patience while I’ve taken the time to rework things—it’s taken a bit longer than I thought, but I hope you’ll find it was worth it. From today, you’ll also see a light redesign of the page for a better reading experience.
This newsletter has been a labour of love and I’ve managed to keep it free for the past year-and-a-half. That hasn’t been easy or cheap: it takes a big chunk of the working week to research, curate and put together the analysis and opportunities that come your way. Each WorldWise post does the heavy lifting to bring you a vast amount of curated resources, synthesised for a holistic perspective on some of the world’s most complex challenges. As a Pro subscriber you’ll be doing your bit to cover those running costs, which is really key to keep the project viable and growing stronger, adding value to your work along the way.
I’m grateful to each and every reader who has shared positive feedback along the way or made a Ko-fi donation—your support has been vital.
Thank you for reading! 🌐
PS: Here’s a peek at some of the most popular previous posts.
COVID fallout mainstreamed, women's day clash + more (Briefing)
An exciting announcement! (Media)
Should I trust this vaccine? (View)
The sweet agony of writing (Media)
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